Qila Raipur Sports Festival

Are you someone who loves to visit places that are linked with any type of sports or events? If you said yes, then you are at the right place.

Here, we are not just going to talk about a sports event that takes place in Punjab frequently, but you would be able to notice something really unique and unusual. 

We are going to talk about Qila Raipur Sports Festival, where you will notice some of the most different sports played in Punjab. Not just that, you would be able to notice a number of other physical events as well. 

Make sure to follow this post till the end to know more about this sports event. 

History of Qila Raipur Sports Festival

You remember how people get happy whenever there’s time for the World Olympics? The same situation is there in the people of Punjab whenever Qila Raipur Sports Festival takes place. In Punjab this sports festival is also considered as Rural Olympics. 

What do you think would be the history behind Qila Raipur Sports Festival? 

You must be thinking that it’s something that started a few years back only, but this sports festival has been celebrated since 1933 in Punjab. 

You all know that farming is one such job that requires a lot of endurance and power, hence one day a philanthropist named Inder Singh thought that why not we call farmers from all over the Punjab to a meet or sports festival within which they can check out their endurance, and strength. 

During the initial days of this event, not everyone used to join it, and even people from Punjab were unaware of it. But now Qila Raipur Sports Festival has become an international event. 

Within this sports festival you would be able to check out sports events like kabaddi, rope pulling, cart racing, and many more. This event takes place every year in February, hence if you want people to be part of it, then you can also plan it accordingly. 

What? You are unaware of how to reach that place?

If you said yes, then in the coming section we are going to discuss everything about Qila Raipur Sports Festival and how to reach this place. 

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Major Attractions at Qila Raipur Sports Festival

Though the whole event is a major attraction, there are a few games/sports that are being played here are unique and interesting from others. Hence, they are considered as major attractions of this sports festival. 

1. Kabaddi

One of the major attractions for sports lovers, Kabaddi remains the essence of this event. Players from different countries come to participate in this event. Owing to its popularity, this sport has also made its place in Asian Games as well. 

2. Akharas

These are the places where local villagers learn to do Kushti, which is a local form of wrestling. Due to its connection with desi mitti (mud), wrestling is an indelible part of this sports festival. 

3. Kite Flying

Another interesting event of the Kila Raipur Festival is Kite flying. The adrenaline rush and the thrill which can be observed on the faces of competitors describes it all.  

4. Sikh Martial Arts

This is Sikh mock fighting and is one way to keep the old heritage alive in these modern times. If you have never heard about it and you are visiting this event then we would suggest you to surely have a look at the Sikh Martial Arts event. 

5. Kokla Chapaki

This age-old game is very popular among young children, particularly in rural areas. Typically, both boys and girls play this game. They sit in circles and a child holding the cloth in hand goes around the circle singing. 

He or she has to drop the piece of cloth behind the back of one of their friends and run away. And the child behind whose back the cloth has been dropped has to catch his mate before they are able to sit at a vacant place. 

How to reach Qila Raipur Sports Festival? 

There are a number of ways with the help of which you can reach Qila Raipur Sports Festival. If you are also planning to visit this place and don’t know how to reach here, then this section is for you.

Let us have a look at all the available options: 

By Flight: Let’s assume you are traveling from a place out of Punjab, then you can take a direct flight to Ludhiana and right after that you will find direct buses for Qila Raipur.

By Train: You can directly take a train to Ludhiana, and right outside of the Ludhiana Junction you can take cabs. 

Those cabs will directly take you to Qila Raipur Sports Festival. 

By Road: Firstly, you would have to reach Ludhiana via bus and then you can take a direct bus to Qila Raipur. 

If you are planning a road trip, then you would be able to travel via your car as well. You can directly plan a road trip via car, where you directly need to travel to Ludhiana and then you can reach Qila Raipur. 

Just make sure that you are visiting this event in February because it only takes place during this month. 


If you are planning to visit this part of India, we suggest you accommodate the travel in February so that you can experience Qila Raipur Sports Festival. This Rural Olympics will excite and enthrall you to the fullest.

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Pushkar Mehta


Pushkar plays with SEO, Content, & Memes to bring out organic traffic and sales for startups.